Monday, February 17, 2014

Breast MRI

So after the second surgery we still do not have clear margins on the left side. This is not a good thing. The surgeon basically said that there are minute cells (DCIS, or ductal carcinoma in situ, in cancer speak) that are lurking, waiting to invade surrounding tissue at some later date. She wants them all out of me one way or another. Today I had a breast MRI. I was injected with a nuclear contrast agent, then required to lay face down while Thelma and Louise were carefully arranged into boob sized holes in the table. I spent approximately thirty minutes in a tube while the machine did it's thing. It was extremely loud, even with the ear plugs provided. In spite of the noise I actually almost fell asleep at one point. The noises were kind of hypnotizing. The doctor is hoping that this will show the extent of the cancer cells that are still hanging around. If the scan lights up like a Christmas tree Louise is a goner. If nothing much shows up we will have one more try at getting clear margins. Either way, I will be having more surgery. This is all very disheartening.

I should have the results of the mri in a day or two.

1 comment:

  1. I wish you nothing but the best in your fight! Think positive, I know it is hard but you can do it! My prayers are with you and your family!!!
