Saturday, December 14, 2013

Now What

So yesterday I thought that I could just relax and not have to think about the surgery until after the holidays. My doctor and I had a plan. I could chill out. No worries. Silly me.

Last night I had a dream that my husband did not want to touch my breasts after the surgery. I woke up feeling very sad. I read through the large packet of information that I came home with, which included a pamphlet on post surgery bras to help you look as close to normal as possible in your clothing. So very reassuring.

Then I started thinking about some of the decisions that I will be faced with post surgery, things that the doctor touched on in our consultation, but I sort of pushed to the back of my mind. She talked about radiation, spot vs. whole breast. She also talked about different estrogen suppression medications. I guess I need to do some research, I want to be well informed when I do have to make these decisions with her. I am a firm believer in doing the footwork, being prepared, but living life in the moment. Easily said, not so easily practiced at a time like this. I am hoping that women reading this blog will share their own experiences with me so that I have some real life information along with whatever clinical statistics and such that I find. 

Tonight I am going to The Healing Nest, where an amazing group of women provide support, comfort and love to other women who are going through treatment for cancer of all kinds. My daughter and I became involved with them when she was first diagnosed with cancer two years ago. These ladies are kinda crazy and beautiful and I love them. I never expected that I would be attending as anything other than a support person for my daughter. We have the dubious honor of being the first mother/daughter clients. Woo hoo.

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