Friday, December 13, 2013

The Surgeon

So, I like this doctor. She is older than twelve. She introduced herself by her first name, which is important because if you are going to be handling my boobs we need to be on a first name basis. She threw a lot of big medical terms around that I never heard before, but basically said that there was nothing remarkable about my tumors (which is good even though I like to think that I am remarkable). She drew a lot of interesting pictures and diagrams on a piece of paper that explained all of my options and possibilities. That's my breast on the left circled in pink for those of you who have been dying to have a look.

So, I will be having a bilateral lumpectomy with sentinel lymph node biopsies. We talked about radiation after the surgery, the possibility of needed chemotherapy if the lymph nodes are not clear, and long term estrogen suppression medications. I will be having the surgery sometime in January, working around some dates so as not to interfere with her vacation plans. It will be outpatient surgery, done at McPherson Hospital (I will always call it McPherson). That's so close to home she might as well just come on up here to the farm and do it.

I am glad that I have the holidays to keep me busy. My son is coming home from Boston for Christmas. All of my kids and grandkids will be around. I have so much to be grateful for. Oh, and I got a certificate for a free massage in the packet with all of my cancer information. That almost makes it worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Deborah, I am a friend of your daughter, Erin (who I love dearly). I have been reading your blog each day. You are a wonderful writer. I'm sure its not easy to tell such personal things to strangers, but I hope you find it cathartic. I want you to know that I will be reading everyday, and to let you know I am on this journey with you, through, thoughts, prayers, and Hope. Continue to be strong, and all will be well with you. I wish you a beautiful holiday, spent with those you love.
